My story starts two years ago in Cambridge, England....
I was living in the UK after my husband's job transferred him and we lived in the most idyllic location in Cambridge, situated right on the River Cam. Literally every morning there were swans and ducks in my front yard.
I started working as an online marketing consultant and didn't have a whole lot to do, so started reading urban fantasy books. The first ones I read were the Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris and the Anita Blake series by Laurell K. Hamilton. So, long story short, I was hooked!!!
Being so impressed by these two authors, I thought to myself, hey I should give this a try. I've always dabbled in creative writing. Back when I was 12 years old, I wanted nothing more than to be a writer and of course took writing classes all through high school and college and then life happened and I sort of abandoned it.
Well, I found it again! So, I'm living in Cambridge and I start writing Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble. My hubby and I traveled all around England and abroad into Europe each weekend and many of the places we visited had such an effect on me that I included them in my book.
Fast forward about six months and I finish my book. In this time I've met the most wonderful critique partner and she was really responsible for helping me shape my book. She tells me I should look for an agent. So I think what the heck, I'll give it a try. I send out a bazillion query letters to agents high and low (all in the US) and wouldn't you know it, I get about 20 requests for fulls, partials, 10 pages, etc. So I'm pretty stoked. Most of those end in rejections but amazingly, the one agent I'm super duper thrilled about writes me back and says she was up all night reading my book, couldn't put it down and wants to rep me.
Oh, happy day! So, of course, I take her up on it and I can already see my name in lights. I'm going to be a famous writer and everyone will know who I am and I'm going to make tons of cash...
Well a few months go by and we haven't really had any bites from publishers. Lots of them are saying they liked this and that but they want this changed or they want that changed. Another few months and still nothing. Then my awesome agent stops returning my emails and phone calls. I read up on her and find out she's lost her 3 biggest clients (and I'm talking names everyone knows--uber clients). OK, not good, really not good.
Fast forward another two months and I'm no longer with my agent. But, not to worry. If she loved my book, someone else will right? So, with my head held high, I start querying again. And I get a good number of requests again but this time anyone who seems interested says I should take out the humor from the books. That dark urban fantasy is selling and my books are too...funny?! What?
At this point, I'm disgruntled. Somewhere along the road, I've moved up to Edinburgh, Scotland so my husband can pursue his MBA and I've written my second book, To Kill A Warlock. But still no agent.
Then my good critique friend sends me an article about self pubbing and how many authors are extremely successful and making a great living at it. The article goes on to say how the tide in publishing is turning and indies are becoming more and more popular. So, I decide to go for it. That was two months ago and I haven't looked back since.
I've been thrilled with the reaction to my books and this was the best decision I could have made!!!
So, what about you indie authors out there? How did you become an indie?? And readers, how did you find out about indie authors?
Monday, August 30, 2010
Hey everyone! Well its giveaway time over on my blog again Sparkling Reviews. This time around we are giving away a couple great books by Imogen Rose, an indie author. They are signed and she offered up come great swag to go with them! Nothing like a fabulous indie giveaway. So head on over to Sparkling Reviews and enter to win PORTAL and EQUILIBRIUM both signed and a bunch of bookmarks :)
Have a great week!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Vampire vs. Zombie romance novels?
The entire question seems a bit absurd to me. I'm not knocking zombie romance now, don't get me wrong. It's just that I don't understand it. To be fair, I have yet to read a novel or even short story of it. Yet, every time I think of a zombie, I see this dead corpse. Rotting away, body parts falling off, its tongue hanging out, shambling along after some poor victim. If they can even speak, the only thing they're saying is “Brains!”
I'm sure that authors are taking liberty with this picture. Their zombies are most likely not anything like I just described. They're probably jet-set people that would look more like a vampire than any Romero zombie. I think they would have to, too, otherwise how would you ever have amorous feelings for these creatures?
Whats next? Ghouls? Wights? Ghasts? Spectres? The question needs to be asked, how far do we as authors go in our pursuit of making the undead likeable creatures? It's easy with vampires. Suave immortals that dress well, usually have money and a good heaping of personality. They might even have an enchantment on them that enhances all of that. They may be undead, but would you really think that upon meeting them? Sure, they may be cold to the touch, but at least you don't have the smell of rotting meat as you hug them or kiss them. I myself would have trouble with that. After all, a lot of myth seems to suggest that animated skeletons are the very old remnants of what a zombie was. So without serious help to change what a zombie is, I cant even see how a romance could exist. Maybe your loved one dies? Then you partially resurrect them? Now, you have them for how long before body parts begin to fall off? Give me a vampire any day. Except for the strange body temperature and maybe questionably bad breath, oh and lets not forget their tendency toward biting. I'd take that beautiful looking vampire over that questionably recently raised loved one any day.
I will have to read one sooner or later, but I'm afraid I won't be able to suspend my disbelief. Way too many years of being told what a zombie is. Perhaps you can, and perhaps you will like it. I hope you do, as in the end, fiction is about being entertained. My blog, however, is all about pointing out my difficulties in accepting a zombie as my lover. Then again, does a zombie romance exist out there? I've heard people say they do, I've not seen one per se.
If they don't, it's only a matter of time. Amanda Hocking has just released a series based on trolls. I have to admit, I never had this mental picture of trolls being the romantic type.
Yet, from what I've heard, she has done a wonderful job making them real and likable. So if she can do that, then maybe someone can make a zombie lovable. It would be a challenge, but maybe someone, maybe even Amanda, can do it. It's a thought. Maybe my next book should be a vampire with a zombie paranormal romance. The idea just popped up as I was writing it. I think I could do it, but would it be readable? Only time could tell.
Of course I already have six or seven other projects on the back burner, not to mention sequels for both Fallen Blood and Shades of Twilight. Then, of course, yesterday Storytellers three invaded my thoughts. A writers job is never done.
Good reading everyone. Until next time.
Martin C Sharlow
I'm sure that authors are taking liberty with this picture. Their zombies are most likely not anything like I just described. They're probably jet-set people that would look more like a vampire than any Romero zombie. I think they would have to, too, otherwise how would you ever have amorous feelings for these creatures?
Whats next? Ghouls? Wights? Ghasts? Spectres? The question needs to be asked, how far do we as authors go in our pursuit of making the undead likeable creatures? It's easy with vampires. Suave immortals that dress well, usually have money and a good heaping of personality. They might even have an enchantment on them that enhances all of that. They may be undead, but would you really think that upon meeting them? Sure, they may be cold to the touch, but at least you don't have the smell of rotting meat as you hug them or kiss them. I myself would have trouble with that. After all, a lot of myth seems to suggest that animated skeletons are the very old remnants of what a zombie was. So without serious help to change what a zombie is, I cant even see how a romance could exist. Maybe your loved one dies? Then you partially resurrect them? Now, you have them for how long before body parts begin to fall off? Give me a vampire any day. Except for the strange body temperature and maybe questionably bad breath, oh and lets not forget their tendency toward biting. I'd take that beautiful looking vampire over that questionably recently raised loved one any day.
I will have to read one sooner or later, but I'm afraid I won't be able to suspend my disbelief. Way too many years of being told what a zombie is. Perhaps you can, and perhaps you will like it. I hope you do, as in the end, fiction is about being entertained. My blog, however, is all about pointing out my difficulties in accepting a zombie as my lover. Then again, does a zombie romance exist out there? I've heard people say they do, I've not seen one per se.
If they don't, it's only a matter of time. Amanda Hocking has just released a series based on trolls. I have to admit, I never had this mental picture of trolls being the romantic type.
Yet, from what I've heard, she has done a wonderful job making them real and likable. So if she can do that, then maybe someone can make a zombie lovable. It would be a challenge, but maybe someone, maybe even Amanda, can do it. It's a thought. Maybe my next book should be a vampire with a zombie paranormal romance. The idea just popped up as I was writing it. I think I could do it, but would it be readable? Only time could tell.
Of course I already have six or seven other projects on the back burner, not to mention sequels for both Fallen Blood and Shades of Twilight. Then, of course, yesterday Storytellers three invaded my thoughts. A writers job is never done.
Good reading everyone. Until next time.
Martin C Sharlow
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Reviewing The Reviewer!
I have decided that my blog this week is going to be a little bit about what I do. I have had many people ask me numerous times, what is it like to write reviews for a living? Its actually not exactly like people think it is. It's much different than writing reviews for a blog... why do you ask?
1. Time Restraints!
You have a ton of time restraints, you don't get to choose when you get read and review a book. Its chosen for you!
2. Editing
Like all newspaper articles my reviews get edited as well... Some are chosen and some aren't. The ones chosen will run and the ones that aren't, unless they show up on my blog... no one sees them.
3. Fun
Yes it is a lot of fun!But its also a lot of work ! I have to contact publishers to receive copies. I have to have all reviews in on time. And I have to make sure that everything with the publisher stays on a professional playing field.
4. How Do I Choose Books?
A lot of the books that I read and review are actually chosen for me. Many are requests from readers that want to know more about upcoming or current books. I do however get a chance occasionally to choose my own titles, when I have that opportunity I attempt to choose titles from indie authors. I love the books and it helps readers get to know authors work, where they might not know who they are otherwise.
5. How can I get you to review my book?
That's simple. I take request from authors all the time to review their book. Yes I will review your book, it may take a little longer than planned though. I will get to it eventually, I just have times when my plate is over flowing with requests. So please be patient I promise I will get it! I have not refused a review request yet. I am happy that I haven't had to. Most authors submit requests to me via email.
6. Did I always want to write reviews?
NO! I was just like every other kid! In fact I wanted to be a singing waitress when I was three years old. This job actually kind of fell in my lap. I got interested in writing reviews when I was 20, so I contacted my local paper to see what I could do to get my reviews read.
7. Advice to someone that wants to review for a living...
If you are interested in writing reviews my suggestion is to expose your reviews as much as you can... a great starting point is a blog, then when you feel ready, your blog can act as a portfolio for newspapers you may interview with.
With all that being said, I would have to say that now it is in fact my dream job. Can be hectic and chaotic but I wouldn't trade it for anything, and what job isn't crazy sometimes?
Sunday, August 22, 2010
How I Get in the Mood….for Writing:
Anyone who has ever attempted to write anything, whether it is a paper for class, a poem, or a full-length novel, has experienced the blankness of page (or screen) that stubbornly will not go away. The day’s troubles continually slam into our minds, the temperature is just not right, your gamer husband is whispering expletives at a zombie, or like my experience at this very moment—my always loud, probably intoxicated, neighbors are fighting each other in the front yard. As I type, I can hear his truck start and her voice accelerate. This is definitely jiving with my mood.
Each weekday, my time is filled by 8.5 hours staring at a computer screen working for a government agency. Although I am super grateful for my job, it is not my preferred-- or in my opinion -- a fruitful way to spend my time. As soon as I walk in the door of my home, the demands of my personal life hit me in the face. The newest competition is my awesome treadmill equipped with mechanical incline and quick buttons. Who would’ve thought that the burden of keeping myself healthy would get in the way of my writing?
It did not take me long to realize that if I was going to become successful as a writer, I needed to rapidly put steps in place that would help me switch my mind from the world of bureaucracy to the fantastical arenas in my stories. After some successes and failures, I found that by altering my environment in ways that appealed to my senses, switching from wife to writer became less like forcing myself to pay attention in a work meeting and more like putting on a pair of warm, fuzzy socks.
1) Music, anyone? I’m generally pretty distractible, and at work, I keep things as quiet as possible. With writing however, music has almost single handedly allowed me to put my mind into my story in just a few moments. By selecting music that goes along with the theme of my material, my mind immediately breaks away from the mundane and opens my imagination to the fantastical. Music with words can occasionally be distracting, but generally, once I get in the groove, it just fades into the background…and drowns out my neighbors.
2) Writing space: Until a month ago, I had the most uninspiring writing space anyone could imagine. I really didn’t put much weight on the issue; I just figured as long as I had a place to be alone, that was all I needed. After visiting an artist friend’s house and seeing her super inventive space: pastel colors, bookshelves lining the walls, her favorite art and all the tools of her trade, I decided it was time for a change. I needed a space that would call to me during the day when I was away, a place that would bring me back to my story world in a flash, as if I’d never stopped writing. After searching the internet for inspiration, I found a cozy, affordable, cherry writer’s desk that fit perfectly in my upstairs room. I gave away some old furniture that I did not like anyway, and put the fantasy art pictures representing my characters on the wall. Now, there is no doubt remaining when entering this room that this space is meant for creativity and comfort.
3) Scent Rescue: My Jack Russell loves to curl up under my feet when I’m writing, but unfortunately, after having played in the backyard during a scorching Louisiana summer, she does not smell so fresh. I threw myself into the smell-o-rama that is the Yankee Candle store and tried to find something inspirational. On a bottom shelf I discovered a scent from my high school days. Patchouli. The scent that is often detested by many, but grounding and stabilizing to those that love it.
I still have those days when writing is difficult. Days when too much to do at work has forced me to stay late, my head hurts, or for some reason, I suddenly become popular and everyone I know wants to call or text. However, the factors that I cannot control have less of an impact now. Once I walk up the 12 steps to my writing room, the faint smell of patchouli, ambient electronic music, and my pretty desk remind me that I am a writer and that in a matter of moments, I’ll be doing just that.
Each weekday, my time is filled by 8.5 hours staring at a computer screen working for a government agency. Although I am super grateful for my job, it is not my preferred-- or in my opinion -- a fruitful way to spend my time. As soon as I walk in the door of my home, the demands of my personal life hit me in the face. The newest competition is my awesome treadmill equipped with mechanical incline and quick buttons. Who would’ve thought that the burden of keeping myself healthy would get in the way of my writing?
It did not take me long to realize that if I was going to become successful as a writer, I needed to rapidly put steps in place that would help me switch my mind from the world of bureaucracy to the fantastical arenas in my stories. After some successes and failures, I found that by altering my environment in ways that appealed to my senses, switching from wife to writer became less like forcing myself to pay attention in a work meeting and more like putting on a pair of warm, fuzzy socks.
1) Music, anyone? I’m generally pretty distractible, and at work, I keep things as quiet as possible. With writing however, music has almost single handedly allowed me to put my mind into my story in just a few moments. By selecting music that goes along with the theme of my material, my mind immediately breaks away from the mundane and opens my imagination to the fantastical. Music with words can occasionally be distracting, but generally, once I get in the groove, it just fades into the background…and drowns out my neighbors.
2) Writing space: Until a month ago, I had the most uninspiring writing space anyone could imagine. I really didn’t put much weight on the issue; I just figured as long as I had a place to be alone, that was all I needed. After visiting an artist friend’s house and seeing her super inventive space: pastel colors, bookshelves lining the walls, her favorite art and all the tools of her trade, I decided it was time for a change. I needed a space that would call to me during the day when I was away, a place that would bring me back to my story world in a flash, as if I’d never stopped writing. After searching the internet for inspiration, I found a cozy, affordable, cherry writer’s desk that fit perfectly in my upstairs room. I gave away some old furniture that I did not like anyway, and put the fantasy art pictures representing my characters on the wall. Now, there is no doubt remaining when entering this room that this space is meant for creativity and comfort.
3) Scent Rescue: My Jack Russell loves to curl up under my feet when I’m writing, but unfortunately, after having played in the backyard during a scorching Louisiana summer, she does not smell so fresh. I threw myself into the smell-o-rama that is the Yankee Candle store and tried to find something inspirational. On a bottom shelf I discovered a scent from my high school days. Patchouli. The scent that is often detested by many, but grounding and stabilizing to those that love it.
I still have those days when writing is difficult. Days when too much to do at work has forced me to stay late, my head hurts, or for some reason, I suddenly become popular and everyone I know wants to call or text. However, the factors that I cannot control have less of an impact now. Once I walk up the 12 steps to my writing room, the faint smell of patchouli, ambient electronic music, and my pretty desk remind me that I am a writer and that in a matter of moments, I’ll be doing just that.
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Everyone has some sort of theory about what Vampires can and can't do. Being a reviewer, I have read and reviewed many books based on vampires, and they always seem to have different abilities.
Take Into Account the following:
Stephanie Meyer made her vampires sparkle in the sunlight, eat animals and each have their own unique ability.
L.J. Smith's Vampires are allergic to vervane, they don't need human blood but they become weaker without it. They are incredibly fast and can put people into trance like states.
Patrick Jones' the Tear Collector has a very different spin on vampires. They don't need blood at all, they need tears. His main character must collect tears in order to stay alive. So she is always there when someone needs a friend after a death or a heartbreak because she is counting on them crying.
There is also many many more examples, those are just a few. I personally haven't decided which type of vampire I like the most. Perhaps I like a combination of them all. Strong, Caring, Not entirely invincible,with a touch of hopeless romantic! I Like the character to be some what believable...I mean how else am I go to develop that big crush on a fictional character? That's honestly what I count on, if I can fall for the character... I can fall for the book!
Isn't that what every author counts on? They want you to fall head over heals for their characters because that means their job has been achieved, they wrote something that you could not put down!
So what is your favorite type of vampire?
Anatomy of a Magic System
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. -Arthur C. Clarke
At my writer's critique group last week, one reviewer asked of a fellow-novelist, "Your character used a lot of magic here. What does it cost your character?" Like any good writer, he had an answer -- an answer he assures us will be made clear in a later chapter.
There are two types of magic in fantasy genres: Mystical and Scientific.
Mystical Magic unapologetically has no explanation. As readers, we are asked to suspend disbelief for the sake of the story. Magic just is, and you shouldn't question it. Gandalf appears out of nowhere, The Force is present in all things, and Excalibur is stuck in a stone because that's just how it is.
Scientific magic has a system, rules which a caster must follow, and reasons (implied or express) for its existence. As readers, we are let in on these secrets (more or less), and the plot itself is driven or bound by an internal consistency. Vampires must drink blood, mages must recharge their mana supply, and water spells always beat fire.
Traditional fantasy exists in a self-contained world, so it's easier to believe mystical systems. It's set so far in the past, or in a completely alternate reality, that it we don't always need an explanation. Magic just is, and that's ok. The evil overlord is evil because he ... well... isn't it obvious? Needless to say, there are many examples of scientific magic in traditional fantasy, for instance The Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind, The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan, and His Dark Materials series by Philip Pullman. But we're just much more likely to see Mystical, especially in older works.
Contemporary magic systems are more likely to use scientific magic. In the context of technology (cars, cellphones, computers), modern characters are used to having their questions answered (like "Where is that blue light coming from?" and "How does this telepathy stuff work, anyway?") If the character doesn't know (or at least ask), the reader will not suspend disbelief when the demon is summoned or when the second law of thermodynamics is broken.
In order to make the reader believe that the character believes, the writer has to explain. Or at least give the sense that there are rules, and that those rules are being followed.
The explanations themselves can be scientific in nature (genetics, radiation, toxic chemicals, or untapped human powers) but not necessarily. The important thing is that magic follows some set of consistent rules, and that those rules match some kind of internal logic.
A good magic system must contain a few basic elements. The easiest, and most obvious, is power. Magic can bring about the improbable and impossible. Mystic magic operates this way, as well. We don't really need a complex set of rules for this to be true.
The next most important piece is the cost of magic. If magic were free, then why don't witches rule the world? Wizard duels would go on forever, with nary a clear victor. So magic has to cost something. By default, it is assumed magic costs energy, be that in the form of mana, MP, blood, or just the need to eat more than usual. But some systems get delightfully more creative. Sometimes overuse of magic leads to a karmatic cost. Or one of my favorites (and the one used by my fellow critique-group novelist in the example above) you pay for magic by slowly losing your sanity.
You also need a believable (and hopefully interesting) casting method. It's kind of boring if your mage walks around snapping his fingers to shoot fireballs or make kittens disappear. Isn't it more interesting when there is some kind of ritual, chant, or coveted magic item? Harry Potter wouldn't be nearly so entertaining without the silly magic words. I love innovative spellcasting methods. One of my favorites was from the Myst video game series, where spells had to be sketched in a book before they could be made real.
Limitations. Magic must have some limits. Again, we wouldn't have a plot if a vampire with a year's supply of blood, or a mage standing on the world's strongest ley line, could instantly take over the world. In some systems, spellcasters are bound to the class of magic they are trained in (Necromancers can't heal and druids can't raise the dead.) Fast zombies die easily, and while slow-zombies are impossible to kill.. at least they're slow. I especially love spellcasting characters who always need a certain material to work with. I can't help but think of the anime series, Read or Die, in which the protagonist can only cast spells that affect paper. It's really fun to see how she resolves problems with this limitation!
Weakness is the last requirement. Superman has his kryptonite, vampires have their sunlight and stakes, werewolves have their silver, and faeries have iron. Not only do mythological characters need weaknesses, but so does their magic. This is often a paper-rock-scissors pattern of white magic beats black, air beats water, brains beat brawn. In my urban fantasy system, faeries depend upon human credulity in order for their magic to work. In the face of willful disbelief, their power crumbles.
What are your favorite magic systems? What is your favorite magical weakness, limitation, cost, or casting method? I'd love to hear it!
Luna Lindsey
urban fantasy
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Introducing Mary!
Hi All,
I am a busy blogger today! LOL
I wanted to introduce Mary--she will be managing our facebook account and is already in the process of setting it up and adding all our indie authors to it! Very exciting stuff.
I asked Mary to tell me a bit about herself and this is what she had to say:
I live in coastal Maine and grew up right on the ocean, which was amazing. I live with my husband, my 5 Month Old baby girl, who absolutely amazes me all the time, with everything she is figuring out and my Chihuahua, Little Man who has a bit of a big dog complex. I have been writing book reviews for about 3 years now and I couldn't imagine doing anything else, I write for two newspapers and my new new blog... I love it! It also gives me the opportunity to stay home with my daughter. I love reading and reviewing Young Adult and Paranormal literature. If I'm not spending time with my family, I am reading and writing reviews. Life is gooood!
Here is the link to our Facebook page:
Please welcome Mary!
I am a busy blogger today! LOL
I wanted to introduce Mary--she will be managing our facebook account and is already in the process of setting it up and adding all our indie authors to it! Very exciting stuff.
I asked Mary to tell me a bit about herself and this is what she had to say:
I live in coastal Maine and grew up right on the ocean, which was amazing. I live with my husband, my 5 Month Old baby girl, who absolutely amazes me all the time, with everything she is figuring out and my Chihuahua, Little Man who has a bit of a big dog complex. I have been writing book reviews for about 3 years now and I couldn't imagine doing anything else, I write for two newspapers and my new new blog... I love it! It also gives me the opportunity to stay home with my daughter. I love reading and reviewing Young Adult and Paranormal literature. If I'm not spending time with my family, I am reading and writing reviews. Life is gooood!
Here is the link to our Facebook page:
Please welcome Mary!
Welcome new authors!
Our community is growing! I'd like to welcome our new authors--Claudia D. Christian, Tina Folsom, Kait Nolan, Felicity Heaton, B.V. Larson, Luna Lindsey and Monique Martin. If you haven't checked out their author pages, then definitely do!
Also, I wanted to mention that Michelle has written a fab review about Tina Folsom's book, Samson's Lovely Mortal so be sure to check that out.
I'm working on the blog roll currently and hope to have that finalized soon so if you are interested in blogging, shoot me an email and let me know. I'm not sure if the contact form is working (testing it at the moment) so send me an email to hpmalloryauthor at yahoo dot com.
More to come soon,
Also, I wanted to mention that Michelle has written a fab review about Tina Folsom's book, Samson's Lovely Mortal so be sure to check that out.
I'm working on the blog roll currently and hope to have that finalized soon so if you are interested in blogging, shoot me an email and let me know. I'm not sure if the contact form is working (testing it at the moment) so send me an email to hpmalloryauthor at yahoo dot com.
More to come soon,
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Interview with indie author, Zoe Winters
H.P. Mallory: For our first indie author interview on, I want to welcome indie author sensation, Zoe Winters (sound applause and cheering). We are very excited to have Zoe as one of our resident indie authors and we wanted to talk to her about what it means to be indie among other things. So, without further ado, Zoe, what does it mean to be indie?
Zoe:Thanks for having me! To me, being indie means being a part of the DIY punk ethic. Music and even filmmaking has a long tradition of this kind of rabid independence. Being an indie author means being a part of that, but just in another form of creative expression. (The indie ethic is also very strong in comic books and graphic novels, so books aren’t all that different.) There is no real logical reason for indie authors to not gain the same support and respect. And with lowered barriers, as more talented indies show they are worthy, they will!
HP: So, I told Zoe I’d ask questions she hadn’t encountered before which sounded easy but now is proving a little more difficult than I’d imagined (guess I’m not as original as I thought). Here goes…and, Zoe, you’ll have to tell me if someone has asked you these questions before (we’ll keep a running tab on my interviewing skills)….If you were to compare yourself to one of your characters, which character are you most like and why?
Zoe:You get a point here, because I don’t think anyone has asked me this question.
Minus the awful history, probably Jane is most like me. And that’s for a few different reasons. I think I come off wildly different online than I really am. I think some people see me as really bitchy and others see me as really business-like. But what most people don’t see me as is really goofy and silly. One of my CP’s met me IRL and she was taken aback by how silly and giggly I am. Haha. Another thing that’s similar between me and Jane is the whole panic attack thing. People said Jane was really real, her fear/claustrophobia was so realistic. Well, guess why? LOL.
HP: Which of your male characters are you most attracted to and why?
Zoe: Cain. No question. Because he’s just so bad. I shouldn’t like him so much. But he’s just evil and funny and... he’s got layers. Really he does. He’s an incubus, and right now he sort of kills all his meals, but in Cain’s twisted little head, he’s not really “ending them” he’s just “inconveniencing them” cause they’ll just reincarnate in a new body. I know, he’s awful. But I can’t help myself. He’s Cain. If you knew him, you’d love him.
HP: Have you ever dreamt about your books or characters? Hopefully this isn’t a weird question. LOL
Zoe:It’s not a weird question. I can’t remember if I have or not though. If you knew how freaking weird my dreams were, you would understand why I can’t figure out how to answer this. There is this drug for quitting smoking that one of the major side effects is these really bizarre, messed up dreams. And someone was talking on a podcast about his dreams from this drug. And I was thinking, DUDE, those are like my dreams every night and I’m not on ANY drugs. LOL
HP: Do you have a favorite of your books?
Zoe: Conceptually, Save My Soul is my favorite so far, but it still has so much work to go (it’s the next book due out), that I can’t say it’s my overall favorite right now. My favorite of what’s out and available is Claimed. Which oddly is my worst-selling book. Go figure. Maybe people are tired of vampires. But I thought my vamp mythology was a little different at least.
HP: Who are some of your favorite indie authors?
Zoe: Kait Nolan, Moriah Jovan, RJ Keller, MT Murphy, Philip B. Persinger, Levi Montgomery, Edie Ramer (about to publish but I got to read her), Susan Bischoff (also about to publish), Claudia D. Christian (I know I’m leaving people out. )
HP: Have you ever seen a ghost?
Zoe: Once. Or else I was hallucinating. Or maybe it was an angel. Or something else. I don’t know. I was once standing in the bathroom and we had this long hallway and the bathroom mirror showed down the hall a bit (uber creepy), and I saw this hand coming toward me. I thought it was my brother trying to scare me. So I jumped out into the hallway to scare him, but no one was there.
HP: Okay, the ultimate question, what do you think is sexiest—vampires, werewolves, warlocks, angels, fairies, zombies (sounds ick but I’m trying to give lots of choices), or something else?
Zoe: Vampires out of those options. If we add the incubus into the mix (which is part of my paranormal world), I’d say it’s a very close tie, but maybe still vampires. That blood drinking thing shouldn’t be hot to me, but it is.
HP: For the record, I think I’m liking the vamps and warlocks.
HP: Zoe, I hope you’re enjoying your interview so far! Next question: How did you come to be an indie author?
Zoe: I went on this quest. And there were forests, and hoards of evil minions. And there was a cave, and a troll. And a riddle. When I answered the riddle, this weird wizard came out and started telling me his favorite words: “Shire” and “glen” were among them. Then I had to slay a dragon. Then they gave me a certificate. So I’m an indie now.
Seriously though, I’ve always been very entrepreneurial and wanted to do my own thing. I wanted to self-publish four years before I actually got up the nerve to do it. So many people think it’s a last resort, but for some indies, it really is what we want to do.
HP : Hey, Zoe, how am I doing on original questions so far? What’s the score?
Zoe: Five original so far.
HP: What book are you currently reading? And are you enjoying it?
Zoe: Right now I’m relistening to the first three books in the J. R. Ward Black Dagger Brotherhood series before I get the fourth book from Audible. I wanted to re-experience Z’s character arc. I LOVE that vampire. He’s such a well-written character. I’m also reading “Sex and the Single Vampire” by Katie MacAlister which is very entertaining. And I’m reading Darkly Dreaming Dexter by Jeff Lindsay which is even better than the show, AND I’m reading “Do the Math” by Philip B. Persinger (I’ve been reading this one for months. It’s really well-written and smart, but it’s almost TOO smart. Like I have to actually think to read it, and so I just read maybe a chapter at a time.)
HP: Z was definitely my favorite from the Black Dagger Brotherhood series also! Love the bad guys!
HP: In order to maintain air-speed velocity, how many times does a swallow need to beat its wings?
Zoe: 42.
HP: Totally Kidding!
HP: What advice would you give other indie authors trying to make a name for themselves and sometimes feel like tearing their hair out because they aren’t sure how to go about doing it?
Zoe: Join the club. LOL. We’re all building our wings on the way down. Just experiment and keep trying. Keep your eyes on your own paper and try not to compare yourself to others. Your success won’t necessarily look like someone else’s.
HP: If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?
Zoe: A housecat, owned by some very rich person so I would have my own chef and wouldn’t have to eat kitty kibble. Laying around all day sunning myself and getting petted sounds like a nice life. Probably in my next incarnation I’m going to be a cat, because I’m just working too hard in this one.
HP: We love your book covers! Which is your fav?
Zoe: If we’re talking overall, then Blood Lust, designed by Robin Ludwig of Robin Ludwig Design Inc. (http://www. She’s fabulous. If we’re talking the ones I designed (Kept, Claimed, and Mated), then Kept because I like the way the cat looks like it’s laying on the cover bar and about to pop out of the cover.
HP: So, I saw this super funny video you made on you tube. I think you have a series of videos now, right? Can you tell us about those? (To check out video 1, click here:
Zoe: Yes, there are three videos out now. This is sort of a mockumentary of my publishing journey. It’s a blend of truth and fiction, but on some level it’s all “true” because indies will recognize a lot of these conversations as some they’ve found themselves locked into. LOL. Basically it pokes fun at the publishing industry. But will also poke fun of me, romance, writing culture, etc. There is endless material here. Once you get to episode 3 you see a plot is developing here and there is a story.
HP: Thank you so much for stopping by and talking to us! We wish you continued uber success in all your adventures. So, how did I do on the final original question tally?
Zoe: Nine. Be honest... the swallow and ghost questions were just to pad your number. :P
HP: What are you talking about? Those were legitimate questions! LOL
HP: This is H.P. Mallory signing out until next time and reminding everyone to Support Your Indie!!!
To learn more about Zoe Winters, visit her websites:
You can purchase Zoe's books on both Amazon and Smashwords. Visit her author page to learn more:
No swallows were injured during this interview.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
I'd like to introduce our new reviewer, Michelle!
Hi All,
I just wanted to introduce our indie book reviewer, Michelle!
I asked Michelle to let us know a bit about her and this is what she had to say:
I haven't been reading indie that long, really only since I got my e-reader back in April (and *now* the ereader price wars start, thank you very much! lol!). I knew there was no way in heck I was going to pay $9.99 and up for an ebook so I went a-hunting for more reasonably priced ebooks, found Smashwords, and fell in love at first download! I was actually aware of Smashwords previously but didn't pay much attention to it since I didn't have an ereader at the time and would rather get a root canal than read a book on my monster laptop. One indie book/author led me to another and another. I have been searching for new indie books and authors ever since. Now that I have found indies I'm not letting go! :)
The whole world of self-publishing and ebooks really interests me because it affects me directly as a reader so I also went searching for websites and blogs about and for indie authors. I figured if I can find the indie authors then I'll find the indie books! When I was searching for indie book reviews/information there really wasn't much out there for the reader. A lot of blogs even state "No self-published books". I thought that really sucked and seriously considered starting my own review blog for indie books. For various reasons I never did, but shortly thereafter I saw HP post about her new site on her blog. I left a comment, we exchanged some email, and she eventuallytwisted my arm asked if I would be interested in managing the review blog. It seemed like fate was trying to tell me something so I took the plunge and here we are.
I am not a professional reviewer by any means. I'm just a joe-schmo reader and my reviews will probably reflect that. I'm not particularly insightful or analytical in my reviews. I basically focus on whether I liked the book or not and anything that may jump out at me while reading whether it be good or bad or indifferent. Depending on the amount of review requests there are I may recruit other readers to do some reviews as well.
I'm also a total blog newbie so will be learning as I go. I hope to make the review blog just like any other trad book review blog with interviews, contests, giveaways, survey polls, musings, as well as indie related topics or whatever I can think of. I'm always open to suggestions for features you'd like to see on the blog. There is some really great reading out there right under the readers' noses and hopefully this blog will help fill the gap just a little in making readers more aware of indie books.
We are thrilled to have you on board, Michelle!
Everyone please welcome Michelle and let her know if you would like her to review your book.
I just wanted to introduce our indie book reviewer, Michelle!
I asked Michelle to let us know a bit about her and this is what she had to say:
I haven't been reading indie that long, really only since I got my e-reader back in April (and *now* the ereader price wars start, thank you very much! lol!). I knew there was no way in heck I was going to pay $9.99 and up for an ebook so I went a-hunting for more reasonably priced ebooks, found Smashwords, and fell in love at first download! I was actually aware of Smashwords previously but didn't pay much attention to it since I didn't have an ereader at the time and would rather get a root canal than read a book on my monster laptop. One indie book/author led me to another and another. I have been searching for new indie books and authors ever since. Now that I have found indies I'm not letting go! :)
The whole world of self-publishing and ebooks really interests me because it affects me directly as a reader so I also went searching for websites and blogs about and for indie authors. I figured if I can find the indie authors then I'll find the indie books! When I was searching for indie book reviews/information there really wasn't much out there for the reader. A lot of blogs even state "No self-published books". I thought that really sucked and seriously considered starting my own review blog for indie books. For various reasons I never did, but shortly thereafter I saw HP post about her new site on her blog. I left a comment, we exchanged some email, and she eventually
I am not a professional reviewer by any means. I'm just a joe-schmo reader and my reviews will probably reflect that. I'm not particularly insightful or analytical in my reviews. I basically focus on whether I liked the book or not and anything that may jump out at me while reading whether it be good or bad or indifferent. Depending on the amount of review requests there are I may recruit other readers to do some reviews as well.
I'm also a total blog newbie so will be learning as I go. I hope to make the review blog just like any other trad book review blog with interviews, contests, giveaways, survey polls, musings, as well as indie related topics or whatever I can think of. I'm always open to suggestions for features you'd like to see on the blog. There is some really great reading out there right under the readers' noses and hopefully this blog will help fill the gap just a little in making readers more aware of indie books.
We are thrilled to have you on board, Michelle!
Everyone please welcome Michelle and let her know if you would like her to review your book.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Interview with Zoe Winters on Thursday!
Hi All,
So this site is getting more and more authors and now we also have a reviewer! Very exciting!
I wanted to let everyone know that on Thursday, August 5th, I'll be posting an interview with Zoe Winters all about her books, being an indie and lots of other stuff!
So be sure to check it out.
In the meantime, if you know of any indies in urban fantasy or paranormal romance, let them know about this site so we can add them to our list!!!
Thanks and happy reading,
So this site is getting more and more authors and now we also have a reviewer! Very exciting!
I wanted to let everyone know that on Thursday, August 5th, I'll be posting an interview with Zoe Winters all about her books, being an indie and lots of other stuff!
So be sure to check it out.
In the meantime, if you know of any indies in urban fantasy or paranormal romance, let them know about this site so we can add them to our list!!!
Thanks and happy reading,
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