Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Indy help

One of the hardest things about deciding to become an Indy, is knowing what to do. As a writer, writing can be hard or easy. Sometimes it's a little bit of both. In the end however, because I am a writer, I write. No ands or buts about that. Still, once I finish writing and editing my work, what then? There's a great big world out there and no real road maps to follow. At least there wasn't when I started over a year ago. Today, however there are several road maps that have been put together by authors that, like me, started out when there were none.

They have cheerfully put together their experiences, both the good and the bad, and have done their utmost to help you to avoid the pitfalls that they had to learn from real world experience. If you're thinking about pursuing a career as an Indy author, but don't have a clue as to where to start after finishing that manuscript, then I would recommend three different books for you. All of them have there own merits and each one will give you a little something different. So if you're serious, then please take the time and read at least one of these, as they will surely make your trip into Indy publishing that much easier for you.

Are You Still Submitting Your Work to a Traditional Publisher?--- By Edward C. Patterson

The Newbie's Guide to Publishing (Everything A Writer Needs To Know)---JA Konrath

Becoming an Indie Author (Smart Self-Publishing)---Zoe Winters


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